Friday: First Step Towards Home. It felt odd getting up without the need to rush out of a hotel. We took the 12:30 regional train to Rome. As we'd already booked two nights at the Hotel Luciani, near the Termani, we didn't need to hurry.
I felt a little sad leaving Naples. It was a fun big, robust, and a little untamed. It felt weird knowing that I may never see it again. If I wait as long as the last time I was in Italy, I'll be a hobbling, 71 year old man. Considering how much of the world there is left to see, chances are I may never get back here.
The train trip was uneventful but, in retrospect, I do see why folks cough up the extra cash for a IC or ES trip from Naples. The slow trains seem to stop in every single village station.
We checked into the hotel at 3:45 pm. We walked around quite a lot. As were were in Rome three nights when we arrived, the city now seems like old hat. We ate a late dinner and will be in bed by 9:15 pm.