What about this addiction I have? The computer I'm typing this entry on is capable of everything I require of it. Perhaps Windows Vista itself is making me feel inadequate.
Or perhaps it's just that I like spending money on equipment that soon fades into obsolescence. I don't dare add up the tab since my first IBM compatible over twenty years ago. I have constantly maintained that someday I was going to start from scratch but always seem to dribble money away on never-ending upgrades.
When I bought my current internal 300GB harddrive, I was doing so with the intention of it lasting through the next motherboard swap. Yet, disks are so cheap nowadays that I should go with a new one. I will need new DDR2 RAM for a new motherboard. My graphics card is AGP which is old technology. The current power supply is new but I might even buy a new case rather than just replacing the innards as I've done for at least a decade. Consequently, my old beige (read: yellowing) DVD writers will need to be replaced with the now nearly universal black.
Let's see what this leaves me. Items not needing replacement include:
DD/DTS Audio CardIt that all that is salvageable?
Video Capture Card
Keyboard / Mouse
External Hard Disk