On the way home from college today, I stopped in London Drugs to pick up a cheap, one-kilogram, plastic container of Folgers coffee. When passing the aisle with the light bulbs I noted a 42-watt compact florescent. It'd be better to have a bulb in the living room lamp that could throw out the equivalent of a 150-watt incandescent bulb, I reckoned. So, I bought one.
Upon arriving home, I discovered the new light source was physically too large to fit! The opening between the metal bars that held the shade was insufficient in size. I almost thought of returning the bulb when I saw that the bedroom lamp had a much larger shade assembly. Consequently, I spent at least an hour taking both lamps entirely apart in order to switch components. During this time, the load in the washer ended, the rice finished cooking, and I wanted to eat dinner.
The picture to the right shows that I was successful but I wanted to title today's entry: 'How many Dennises does it take to change a light bulb?'