I have been very aware of spring's arrival this year. I charted the progress by what I had to wear when going out the door. The thick jacket changed to a thinner one several weeks ago. Then a week or so back, the jacket stayed in the closet. For a few days, I wore both a t-shirt and a short-sleeved shirt. Last week, I once skipped the t-shirt. Although, I've not left the house without any shirt, it promises to be that type of weather tomorrow.
It was so nice today, it's ironic, if not a little criminal, that I taught in a windowless classroom all afternoon. On the way home, however, as if a sign of consolation, I was aware of the many birds singing in the trees. I was driving with the side window down. I sort of wonder why they're all so silent all winter. They truly seemed happy and that made me feel the same way.
Everything looks better with a little green to cover up things around
the edges.