As I was driving home in the evening yesterday, I was struck by how two new high-rise apartment buildings are changing my neighbourhood's skyline. Within a single block two sites are under construction.
The Point, a twenty storey residential tower with some ground-level commercial space is nearly ready for occupancy. Another huge project is directly behind the New Westminster Police Station (formerly the Federal Post Office) building. The rise of its multiple storeys has been very quick. These accompany many other new buildings presently under construction or in the planning stages. I enjoy seeing the continuing modification of the local environment. This summer we will have lived in this city for just eleven years but have seen vast change.
I can't help but contrast this with my quick drive through Sunapee, New Hampshire last month. Other than Mitch Latva's grand residence up on the hill in Georges Mills, not much looked different than thirty years ago.
Although 'The Point' in New Westminster is nearing completion,
a year and a half ago it was nothing but a very big hole in the ground.