The theory might be a bit more appealing than the facts though. For one, I'm without a contract this week; consequently, I will get no paycheck for it. Moreover, I have spent the better part of the day, so far, doing the final grades for the class that just finished. So, I really have more in the order of four days to do as I please. Wait! I don't want this to sound like complaining. I'm actually very satisfied with the scenario.
I have found recent changes have also altered the end-of-term activities in a positive way. This is the first time in my ten years at BCIT where I haven't kept an Excel spreadsheet of grades. Not only is the grade-book automated so that students can gain access to their scores during the term, but the final grade admission is now totally web-based too. No longer do I have to run to the office to turn in marks to my Admin. Assistant in duplicate.
All final marks were calculated and carried over from the online grades component. I simply entered all additional data on the forms from home. All attendance data, and special reports were included via secure connection to the institute's site. After it all met my approval, I just clicked a button to send it for verification and acceptance.
Life gets better and better! I have achieved the same sense of freedom that used to come after handing over the photocopied set by hand. But this time, I didn't need to take the time to schlep to the Burnaby campus.