I navigated to folders that once existed on the computer I had sent from Dubai. When we moved here, it was near top of the line with a 12 gigabyte hard disk. I think the processor was a P133. The sub-directories quietly exist on a +R compact disk now. I ended up spending more time than I anticipated looking through the ten or eleven year old files. The MS Excel spreadsheets were interesting as I used to track monthly expenses that way. The MS Word documents may have included the very cover letter that got me an interview at BCIT. There were old .jpg files although they were mostly poor-quality scans. Among the debris, I found many things I could've included in today's blog entry. Yet, I ended up copying the following tiny 18K file for inclusion.
The tiny 18K .mid file plays for 6:18 minutes.
This sort of showcases how much more we expect from a PC nowadays. I found a substantial collection of MIDI files. They are tiny files with instructions for a sound card's synthesiser and contain no actual sound themselves. It was fun to actually hear anything through the basic desktop speakers. Compare that with video programs I now routinely record from TV through a capture card. A half an hour of Little Mosque on the Prairie has a file size approximately 100 thousand times larger.