I have a few different ways to access guest information, including the browser page prior to entry on this site. Therefore, it's easy to learn the exact search phrases that have pointed to my eJournal and images. I've learned that basically people have very poor search techniques. Here are some very recent examples:
Google > pictures of hiuen tsangOh yeah, there's something else I'd like these people to know. Both MSN and Yahoo have search engines which can return different results; however, they're generally as good as Google's. Give 'em a try too!
This person should have selected Google's image search tab and then typed "huien tsang". Quotes would've ensured those names occur together rather than on different parts of the page.
Google > In what state is the Grande Coolee Dam?
Most search engines like Google, ignore common words, so there's no need to form a question. It's just a waste of time. They could have just typed in "grand coolee dam" with the quotes and Google would've come back with the correct spelling. Of course, top-ranked sites are going to contain its location.
Google > pictures of what happened after the mohammed cartoons
This contains both types of errors. Potential researchers should also think of the best places to search. A general search engine isn't the best place to find current events. It'd be better to switch to Google News and search there. If one's searching for general purpose photos, it's smarter to go to a custom site such as www.flickr.com or www.webshots.com.