Thursday, March 18, 2004

A Green Thumb?

I recently bought another houseplant at Walmart for $1.69.

I don't know why I like green things growing in the house. Maybe, I developed a desire for indoor green when living in the Middle East. Or could it be genetics? When I was small my mother made a big deal by inviting relatives to the house and loading up the Kodak Instamatic when she managed to cajole a night-blooming cereus to flower. Jay, however, grew up in a jungle and is not terribly impressed by my efforts.

Photo: The TV, Computer and Plant take up an entire wall of the livingroom! - March 2004
I don't think I'd call it a special gift, but it does take me many months
to kill most plants. For example, the large one in this photo was a
house-warming present from guest, Don Richardson. He bought it during
his visit to Canada which was more than five years ago!