We were up at 4:30 am today. Damn if we didn't get a whole lot done, though! A long list of things to accomplish when back is being smashed:
Contents of all the luggage has been removed. Several loads of washing has been dried and put away. Internet devices and the home network have come back to life.
Mailbox was emptied and important government paperwork completed.
Car insurance was renewed at Westland Insurance for eight months.
Veggies bought at LFM and some groceries at the uptown Walmart.
Cooked food sits in the refrigerator with a stock of other fresh food.
Several medicine prescriptions have been renewed.
The apartment has been cleaned and set up for next stay of eight months.

Hell, I even updated my car's infotainment system using our PC and an SD card. And while I was waiting for the process to complete, I cleaned out my glove box and center storage. I decided to throw away several masks in there from COVID days.