It's April 1st but there are no fools around here! Jay's transit pass kicked in today and he went by SkyTrain to the Burnaby Bonsor Recreation Centre gym. It was a pretty good day. You can see an example of the pretty part in the photo above. This is a tree on the sidewalk near our apartment building.
I didn't expect that Amazon would deliver a phone we ordered for Jay on a public holiday. I currently have a Google Pixel 7 Pro that I bought a year ago. He usually gets my hand-me-down devices. He was running my previous phone, a Pixel 5. At the end of our stay in Sri Lanka, we noticed its battery started to get bloated. It must have been pressing on some sensors as it affected the phone's microphone during calls.
So, I looked on Amazon for a cheap replacement. He primarily talks with his sisters via WhatsApp and shares photos. I found a really cheap refurbished, Motorola Moto G Play 2023 on offer. It was inexpensive but has Android 12 and most specs looked better than other cheap phones.
We set it up this evening. Changing phones is always a hassle even though it is considerably easier than in the past because so much sits in the cloud and is ready to move to a new device. It is definitely better to have the old and new devices in the same room to initiate some moves to a new phone.