I'm poor. I can't afford servants. Still, we're in the 21-century and many of us live better than kings of the past. We have machines to do our bidding and life has never been so toil-free.
I mentioned adding an el-cheapo robot vacuum to my home network in yesterday's post. A screenshot showed 35 connected devices at that particular moment. Of course, there are computers and a tablet on the list but there are many home automation gadgets too. The living room has eight lightbulbs alone! At bedtime, I always turn them all off at once by asking Google Assistant to turn off the living room lights. How convenient!
Up until today, I've been very pragmatic in my naming conventions. Most items are pretty straightforward, such as the living room floor lamp, curio-cabinet light, and living room table lamp. However, when I faced naming the new robot vacuum, I decided that she had to be called Rosie. I'm of a certain age and grew up watching the Jetsons on Saturday morning TV.
This situation has now caused me to rethink a few of my previous choices. Moments ago, I renamed a few network names. So my Keriug Coffee Maker is now called, Kevin. I'm not sure how I feel about yelling, "Hey Google, Turn on Kevin!" Yet, I may add some personality to more of my important smart-home devices on the network.
Help me think through a few names for the bedroom air purifier and the computer printer!