Day 14 - Jay knows a guy who lives in this city. He met through work in Vancouver years ago. By absolute chance, last week, we spotted Jamison walking on Avenue Jean Médecin, about a block from our apartment. He walks quickly and we had to practically run to catch up. However, we did. We promised to meet up via email.
They set today to get coffee. So, we went to the old town by tram at around noon. We found the meeting spot at least a half hour early. Old Nice is so picturesque that simply spending time in the location is pleasant.
Jay and Jamison talked a lot about common folks they knew. Of course, Jay retired nine years ago, so a lot of time has passed. And his counterpart has been living here now for many years. The cafe was a pleasurable spot. I had a beer but Jay had a bottled lemonade. We caught up on what it's like living here.
We walked all the way back to our apartment. We'd not walked through the park area only a few streets parallel to the beach. Everything here seems laid back and pleasant.