The sun has reappeared after hiding for what seems like every day since mid-September. It surely is promising to follow us to Dubai for a month as it seldom hides there.
We just covered the car and locked the suitcases with those flimsy TSA locks. Everything is in its place. We will turn off everything at the electrical panel, shut off the water valve to the apartment, and arrange for an Uber at around 2:00 pm this afternoon. It takes more than 45 minutes to get to the airport.
Our flight is at 6:05 PM this evening. We are flying with a friend who is going back to visit family in Nepal. We never get to fly internationally with others we know!
Today makes for a rather pleasant departure from YVR. We generally board flights going west over the Pacific in the middle of the night. Tonight, however, we'll be going over Northern Canada, Iceland and down over Poland towards Istanbul.
I will go ahead and set Wednesday's blog post to auto-publish as our only time on the ground will be the three hours waiting for our Dubai flight at 9:05 PM in Turkey. We don't get into Dubai until 1:05 AM local time on Thursday.