"I like the idea of this long weekend here, even though not much is going on ... and for more than 6 years, every weekend's been a long one for us."
Of course, not much is going on as BC is still taking it slow due to the tough COVID variants we seem to be harbouring. Yet, the vaccinations have finally picked up speed and restrictions will soon be lessening. The bit in the quote about having six year's worth of long weekends is, of course, in reference to our early retirements which started near the end of 2014.
I was trying to make a joke. However, I really do enjoy a life of relative leisure. Some people seemingly have trouble adjusting to the lack of stress. We are not among them.
Today was an example. We got up at a reasonable hour without the need for an alarm clock. After breakfast and cleaning up, I downloaded our proof of ownership from the BC Land Title Office. I had to include it in a pack of information I scanned for a PDF document and emailed to the New Westminster city hall. We want a building permit for a bathroom renovation. After a bit of time, we drove to get fresh fruit and vegetables and stopped uptown so Jay could buy some grains and bulk items at a natural food store. I parked on the mall roof and met him after taking this photo at 7th and 6th. Most afternoons include a little nap. Today's did. We finished a few little things in the apartment. These activities brought me right up to the point of needing to write a daily blog post. And here it is ...