It ain't rocket science; primarily, because nobody can get killed in this process.
Getting the perfect bread recipe for our new bread machine may take a bit of trial and error though. I decided I didn't like the ones that came with the West Bend owner's manual. One major reason was the odd measurements. For example, it called for adding 1 - 1/3 cups plus 1 tbsp. of water. I suspect the author converted a recipe that used a differing system.
I ran to my computer to find wheat bread recipes. There were, of course, dozens and no two exactly matched. I've always believed that people who follow rules precisely don't deserve a place near an oven anyway. I further figured I would probably have the best luck by starting from scratch and making up my own. After each loaf, I knew I could tweak the ingredient list until I get exactly what I desired.
In addition, I want to regularly use discard from Bradley McGillicutty even when not making sourdough bread. It needs to be fed occasionally, although it sits on the back corner of a refrigerator shelf. And why should that go down the sink?
I was pretty happy with today's loaf of bread. The top was smooth and the crust appeared fine. I made a few changes today and will show the recipe that we'll bake during the next round.
Carnarvon Street Bread RecipeAdd the following to the breadmaker in this order. Set for a 2.5 lb wheat loaf.
1 cup water3 tablespoons olive oil1 tablespoon maple syrup, or honey
4 tablespoons milk or yogurt
5 tablespoons sourdough starter
1 1/2 cups white flour
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour1 teaspoon salt3 tablespoons brown sugar2 1/2 teaspoons yeast
Printed: May 18, 2021