Cargill's Food Cities were the first chain markets that appeared along the roads into and out of many villages and towns here. The new competition is welcome. A Coop Market system has grown and changed. It seems to still be doing well too, at least in Minuwangoda. An Arpico Super Centre is being built not far from downtown too. It is not going to open while we're here as we only have a month remaining.
It is interesting to see how the small stores and markets are being replaced with the increasing uniformity of larger-format shopping. It is interesting watching economic trends change how people live. Downtown Minuwangoda looks different than when I first saw the little city in the mid-1980s.

Today, Jay and I went shopping to pick up a few items, important ones like ice cream! We shared the ride in a PickMe three-wheel with Jay's elder sister. She caught the bus to go back home to Nugegoda.