![I Love Kuala Lumpur](https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4861/46812764291_7d1e17d5c8_z.jpg)
Day 70 - Living in Kuala Lumpur is sort of, well, living up to my expectations. I've visited a lot of cities around the globe but this one seems, to me, a great place to live. Over the course of the next three months in this blog, I'm sure some of the reasons will be expanded. As an example though, we walked just a kilometer and a half away to an older part of the city and saw a Chinese temple with a Hindu temple just across the street.
![Copious Quantities of Red](https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7871/32936252148_d282c021b3_z.jpg)
![Such Detail!](https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4910/46812307991_fde1fba6e5_z.jpg)
A church and a mosque are not far away. So, religious diversity here is one aspect of the culture in this city which keeps things interesting.