The driver of the rented van had never driven on the Southern Expressway although this section of Sri Lanka's first limited-access highway has been open for a year. It made our trip substantially shorter and was worth every rupee of the $3.00 we spent to travel the 60 miles to Galle. It reminded me of driving on I-5 to Seattle save for two things: We were on the other side of the highway and there's scant jungle vegetation when travelling to the city with a Space Needle.
So even with rest stops, lunch, and roadside buying, we got to Kartragama at 2:30. We found a pilgram's rest and got two rooms. Jay, his dad, and I were in one and auntie and the sisters in the other. Things in the sacred city were quite crowded. We walked slowly because Jay's dad has a cane and has trouble going up steps. Nightfall arrives abruptly at a little after sunset, around 6:15. Coming here really is an amazing experience because of all the people and offerings as well as the dogs, monkeys, and peacocks.
We attended a 7:00 puja at the main temple and were lucky enough to make it inside. Well, perhaps not so lucky as my ears are still ringing even though I'm far away from the bells. Jay's dad found it hard to stand for such a long time and I helped him outside.
We walked to the main selling area and ordered 25 hoppers for dinner to eat in the adjoining rooms. It will be after ten when we sleep. Tomorrow, we'll hitch a ride with the family for about 18 kilometers to the town of Tissahamara. Then, we will wave goodbye to them as they head home and we start our new segment of the journey in Sri Lanka.