I'm currently on hold. I have been on the phone since I arrived back from work today. What makes this wasted time rather ironic is the fact I am trying to straighten out a cell phone that stopped working.
I had signed up for a new entrant in the Vancouver mobile phone market as soon as they set up shop here. After a year with WIND Mobile I figured I'd take advantage of the CRTC decision which allows customers to port numbers to other providers.
Within seconds of installing the Mobilicity SIM, I was up and running. This occurred during the last week of March. How easy, I thought!
Then, late last week, my phone was having trouble getting on the network and would quickly go to roaming. I tried several Mobilicity stores for advice and had just about decided that my phone had developed some serious hardware problems. Then, in a sudden rush of common sense, I tried calling the number from my apartment phone. The happy voice said it was not a valid number.
I've now spent hours with customer support trying to figure out why the number went back into reserve and why the port was never finalized. Nobody from either company will accept responsibility but I suppose I should be thankful that Wind will 'reactivate' my number so that porting can be 're-initiated'. It'll only take another 24-48 hours for this to happen.
In the meantime I have to keep following my accounts on both carriers so that I can call to re-start the process. By the time things are straightened out, I will have been been without regular service for more than a week. (Thankfully, my data plan continues to work on the Nexus One!)
All this just to keep: 604.600.6556. It's not even that special, it it?