Day 082: Jay and I found a nice, busy restaurant where we can buy take-away food. We wanted to pick up a single serving of biryani rice. We bought some once last week and found the amount was sufficient to serve both of us for three meals! The walk-through business space is called the Eastern Food Bazaar. It has Indian food from different sections of that continent and also food labeled as Turkish, which I think really means Mediterranean here. Some dishes are Chinese as well. It is in the set of buildings that look very 'Gotham-like' in design. Food seems fairly cheap here in comparison to other cities.
Oh, and that is not the only thing cheaper than home. This morning, I walked to a barbershop just down Long Street a ways. I hadn't had a haircut since before leaving home at the beginning of November. I wait to get my money's worth, you see.
Getting a buzz never takes a long time because I only have the sides cut short with a #1-sized clipper attachment. When I retired in 2014, I decided that I didn't need to cut my hair often or so traditionally.