The very first trip after the creation of this blog was a trip to San Francisco (September 2003).
Starting Tuesday, we've got another little adventure coming. Mexico isn't far but two weeks there promise to be a change of pace and educational. Today's entry is just a little bit of personal blog housekeeping. I like things arranged in a tidy way so that I can go back and find things. The task grows more difficult as the information at my eJournal and images grows.
I've tried to at least mention most journeys we've ever taken. At one point, while still overseas, I tried to create a word processing document containing my vacations and trips. That has been a help in identifying some of the things that happened back in the 1980's and 1990's. After coming to Canada in 1996, considering it's not such a long time, I have probably been able to remember every sojourn.
What's marvelous now though is the ease at piecing things together since I started blogging. Not only have I told about but I was telling during. I so wish I'd kept journals during the first 44 years of my life!
Today's entry is merely an attempt at rounding-up those times. I have also tried to add pre-trip planning and post-trip remarks about each one. (Don't forget, in typical blog fashion, the information is arranged with the oldest entry at the bottom of each page.)
New York City- December 2009 / January 2010I am pretty sure I have included a majority of times we were away for more than a weekend. The trips lengths range from a few days to several months.
Cambodia - October 2009
Sri Lanka - September / October 2009
Thomas Desert House, the Wenas, WA - August 2009
Portland, OR - June 2009
Washington DC - March 2009
Las Vegas, NV - December 2008
Italy - August / September 2008
Phoenix / Grand Canyon / Palm Springs - May 2008
Mexican Cruise - February 2008
Europe / Eastern Europe - September 2007
Los Angeles - May 2007
New Hampshire - February 2007
Hong Kong - October 2006
Sri Lanka - September 2006
Pacific Coastal Cruise - May 2006
Europe - September / October 2005
Okanagan Winery Trip - June 2005
New York City - May 2005
Victoria, BC - February 2004
Singapore - October 2004
Sri Lanka - September / October 2004
Calgary, AB - December 2003
San Francisco - October 2003