I have got to remember to cherish my time off today. Now that I've completed the course which ran from January, I truly have no obligations. That is nice to say. I am never overworked but at the present there is nothing which I have to accomplish today. Some people consider that a waste. I consider it a wonderful luxury. I don't want to spend money on myself, I want to spent time. Thank God, I've always been in a position to consider work a passion and not a necessity.
You know, I don't want to turn this into a another blog entry about blogging. Yet, I am also thankful that I've stuck with this project for so long. I've spent six and 3/4 years putting something in my eJournal and images every day. I suppose there's a sheer feeling of accomplishment doing what so many start and so few continue. That's not really it. I just feel as though all the things I want to say have a forum. On any particular day, I could gripe, extol, or report on anything. Because it is searchable, I can quickly locate something I may have said even if those keystrokes occurred years ago. For example, a Facebook acquaintance sent me a message today stating that he didn't know I was into photography and asked how long it had been a hobby. I was able to give him the particulars and then include reference to an old entry. I love digital cameras for their ability to easily document life. I provided him this link from February 2007. It's not recent but my words still express my feelings.
The nest in my potted cedar on the balcony looked quite full on 04/28/10.