I'm a teacher, so I respect the fact there are many different types of learners and learning styles. A personal style probably stays fairly consistent throughout one's life. I'd have to file myself under the following categories: extroverted, gestalt, and visual. First, the extroverted part means I prefer discussions and group work. The gestalt means I like 'big picture activities. The final one means although I'm a whiz with symbols, I grasp more by seeing than by hearing or doing.
My love of photography could stem from my propensity for the visual aspect of learning. I don't so much appreciate pictures for the art, but for their immediate ability to convey history. A photograph's knack of capturing a different time or place is amazing. At the risk of repeating myself, the ordinary becomes a subject of worth given an adequate passage of time.
The picture above was taken in Kuwait almost thirty years ago. I taught in that country right after finishing college. Going there was an excellent introduction to the big world we live in. Bear in mind that in 1981, fewer average Americans knew anything about Kuwait.