The text at my eJournal and images has been growing each day since September 2003. It functions as my personal archives. In many ways it's better than viewing my Facebook notes because you can quickly search, look up by week, or research common topics. Yet, Facebook shines in its interactivity and ease of linking and showing a more general picture of what's happening in my life. Add both together, and I feel I've created a great combo.
Neither stays static. I just added a share button commonly found on news sites. I wish more friends would use that option to post on their facebook wall. I'd like to find out about someone by what they read or learn. I mean I have little interest in find out what someone's "stripper name is" or "what vegetable they'd be in a salad". In all honesty, if I've not yet figured out my personality type, I don't think Facebook is going to be much help. Some facebook apps sure seem to aim to the lowest intellectual common denominator; namely, my friends!
Still, I wonder if anyone will press the share buttons on my blog and where that might make me end up ...