I've nothing against intelligent Facebook applications. After all, the fact that third-party developers can integrate new apps is a reason why Facebook has become so successful. The thing is, very few applications are at all intelligent. Or to put it in another way, few people who install Facebook apps are very intelligent!
I find it very annoying to see all the useless crap in my feed. I surely hope that people know they can turn off notifications from any app as well as from any annoying friend. One simply needs to click the HIDE which shows to the top right of a feed's entry. I no longer receive endless goofy graphics from dozens of inane apps. I'd like to thank several of the helpful maniacs from my friend list for helping me to squash all the notifications from the following:
ॐ OM!
Are you a carrot?
Bejeweled Blitz
Bouquet for Friends
Can you finish the lyrics?
Can You See These Optical Illusions?
Chain Rxn
Chug It!
Collect Rainbow Roses
Collect Smiles
Daily Horoscope
Decode your robot name
Dee's Farm Town Awards
Farm Pals
Farm Town
Farmtown Gifts
Fish World
Food Fling!
Fun Surveys
Give Some Cock
How Chuck Norris are You?
How many kids will you have?
How many times will you get married?
How Much Are You Worth??
How naughty are you?
How OCD are you?
How Well Do You Know Me?
How well do you know your friends?
IQ test
Know-It-All Trivia
My Fairyland
Pass a Drink
Personality traits by birth month
Pirates: Rule the Caribbean!
Praise Party
Restaurant City
Roses For Friends..
Send A Round
Send Your Friends a A special Hug!
Send Your Friends a Big Ol' Hug!
Send Your Friends a Crown!
Send Your Friends a Jello Shot!
Send Your Friends a Martini!
Send Your Friends a Prayer!
Send Your Friends a Sweet Kiss!
Skydive Gift
Storm Bowling Balls Int'l
Texas HoldEm Poker
The Comprehensive Zombie Survival Quiz
The Crazy Test!
The Political Idealogy Quiz
Thinking of YOU!!!
Top Restaurant
Travel Balloon
Typing Maniac
Water Balloon Fight
Water Gun Fight
What 2009 song are you?
What classic Guns N' Roses song are...
What Country Song Tells Your Story?
What Decade Fits Your Personality B...
What does your siqn say about you.....
What Famous Literary Character Are ...
What flower represents you?
What Fruit of the Spirit are You?
What gemstone are you?
What is God's gift in you?
What is your biggest weakness?
What is your Hippie Name?
What is your life symbol?
What kind of camper are you?
What kind of old person will you be?
what kinda FDNY Firefighter are you
What Love Song Describes Your Relat...
What Massachusetts City/Town Should...
What Monty Python Character Are You?
What movie should you be in, and as...
What Natural Disaster Are You?
What Number Are You Thinking?
What should you parents have really...
What should your NICKNAME be?
What stereotype do you fit?
What that 70's show character are you?
What type of Home fits you?
What Would You Be If
What would you most likely get arre...
what your attitude says about u
What's your ghetto nickname?
What's Your Myers-Briggs Personalit...
What's your Native American Indian ...
What's your personality type?
What's your Red Neck Name?
What's Your STRESS Level?
When will you DIE?
Which 80's Song Describes You?
Which character are you from the mo...
Which Classic Muscle Car Are You?
Which side of your brain is dominant?
Which US President are you?
Who is your Guardian Angel?
Would Megan Fox date you?
Your Job In Heaven
Your Say