I thought I'd quickly find and post an old scanned photo. You see, almost 350 of more than 5,800 of my images on Flickr are old scanned ones. Surely, some from Thailand would've made it into the mix. Yet, when I typed in a search, nothing came up. What?
Perhaps I could spare an hour to scan and upload a few to better represent various parts of my life. I found some in the big photo box. I scanned and tweaked them. Old photos often require a substantial amount of editing to get 'em up to speed. I have added ten or eleven to my Flickr collection.

The next problem came though when I went to date them. There were several of those tiny albums that used to hold one roll only. There were no dates on the back of any of them. I went back to my 'master document' that often contains specific references of events going back to graduation from college. I could only find one reference to Thailand. That was the five week trip that Jay and I took while I was working in Bahrain. I know I've been at least two more times than that and Jay went additional times during vacations and in transit on long trips. Alas, I'm at a loss. I marked all the photos as being taken in March of 1991 only because I cannot figure out when the other times would've occurred. (Also, by the size of the camcorder in the photo above, it had to be the early 1990's.) I need to wait until Jay gets home from work to ask him. He remembers everything!