It's getting to be late afternoon and I've yet to post anything in
my eJournal and images. I'm happy and I've been occupied but there just doesn't seem to be much of consequence to share.

I did get right out and walked uptown before 9:00. I just needed to get a few more steps on my pedometer after a number of days when I didn't reach the 10,000 mark. A later walk downtown and an e-bike around a bit of the town have pushed me over the magic number for the day. I heard that people only quote and strive for the ten-thousand number as it was the advertising copy of a Japanese manufacturer of pedometers. I'm not sure there's hard evidence that it is really magic at all.
I don't want to go much into weight issues today, but the scales registered 196 lbs today. That seems comfortably below the 200 mark that I had spent so long trying to achieve. Having lost these last 40 lbs is hardly noticeable now that they're gone. It's the next twenty that are more important.
When up at 6th and 6th, I did pick up my new pair of eye glasses. Oh, different shape than ... ever!