Just like everybody else, it seems I am destined to chat about the excessive temperatures today. There's a whole world out there and I cannot come up with anything better to blog about than the current heatwave. That's odd, isn't it? Of course, I'm typing this from the comfort of an air-conditioned building at BCIT, so I'm not intimately involved in the situation. I do know that yesterday's heat broke all-time records. A high of 33C at the airport meant it probably hit around 36C or 37C here. That is unheard of but hardly the end of the world.

Everybody is bitchin' and moaning but I suppose it is providing us a chance for enjoyable public commiseration. Nobody's happy until they can be unhappy about something, I guess. To put it in perspective, the evenings cool off by more than 10 degrees. We have an abdundance of parks and green areas in the Lower Mainland. Even these record breaking temperatures will probably not stick around for much more than a week.
I've been excited about returning to Sri Lanka in the fall. The year-round temperature of Columbo is over 30C and it is considerably more humid. Most places are not air-conditioned and life has fewer conveniences. This makes all the complaining here seem a little over-the-top. I wish people would just shut up and make the best of it.