Today my weekend begins early. The sun is bright and the flowers and leaves are struggling to make their appearances. The tropics may be a great place to be sheltered from bad weather, but there's nothing like a nice spring day away from the equator. It takes poor weather in order to fully appreciate the good. It's a perfect day to relax. It's a great time to think. It's also proven to be a nice day for a few midday beers although I often go for months without such a luxury.

Some people are mean when they drink. I'm just appreciative. I look at all I have and all I can do and I'm thankful. I see the unfortunate lives of so many others and wonder why life has been so good to me. I approach the age of fifty happy with how things continue to turn out.
I was looking at my Flickr pictures and decided to add this old scan today. I met Jay in Saudi Arabia 24 years ago this month. This picture is from that era. Perhaps this was a trip to Jeddah.