Sometimes I yammer on about the weather, and I've been blogging so long I know I end up repeating myself every couple of months. In that regard I'm not much better than a recent stroke patient. Please excuse me. There are things I feel are important enough to me to bear repeating. One such place in my park. I call Tipperary Park up near the City Hall mine. Mainly I mean it's the closest one but I will admit that it is little used for being such a nice little spot. I often find myself alone there.
Today, I taught class in the morning. I made it home quickly and had eaten before 1:30 pm. I am so lucky to call that a day of work! I wanted, no make that needed, a chance to get outside. There is a collective sigh as we made it through another west coast winter. It's not the snow that is the enemy here as that doesn't amount to a hill of beans, which incidentally, is rather small. It's just the sun is sometimes only a collective memory for the months between November and April. Now, the sun is back and I can almost touch the lifting of spirits across the whole Metro-Vancouver region.
If you wish to see a larger image of the picture of my bench, click it. I went to feed the ducks some stale bread and noticed a new city sign which said, "If you love them, you won't feed them." Ducks don't read and seemed quite appreciative. Yeah, yeah, okay. I had a few crumbs of bread with me, so I guess I'll have to show my love for them in a different way in the future.