This was a fast trip, wasn't it? We packed up in the morning and got a fairly good start as we'd gone to bed fairly early. The house is approaching the automation of There Will Come Soft Rains. Sensors keep track of many things. Camera record the events which happen at the property. The house got ready for our departure. We did an errand or two in Ellensburg before heading back up to the Pass. I had lunch and did two swaths with huge articulated rig with a monster snow blower. The cabin up there has a long driveway but only two inches of snow had fallen.
I didn't motor out onto I-90 until after 3:00 and so it was about 7:00 when I pulled into New Westminster. There was an accident at the Marysville exit on I-5 and rush hours. It meant creeping along the highway from the bottom of the hill in Tacoma. I had already run into the hordes leaving work in Edmonds and Bothell. So, all in all, the 4 hour trip wasn't awfully bad at all.