my eJournal and images: The Movie Reviews
When we first came to Canada we went to movie theatres a lot. This probably was due to the fact of having accessible venues. I would venture that except for Saudi Arabia where they're banned, the ones in Kuwait, Bahrain, and the UAE are probably more upscale and mainstream than during the eighties and nineties. I recall dark, dirty, old cinemas showing late, often cut, films.
Around Vancouver, there was a massive building spree at the beginning of this decade. The multiplexes do offer good seating, screens, and sound systems now. It's necessary to see blockbuster events in them. Yet, DVD's are now released surprisingly soon after the original theatrical release. We watch a lot more non-mainstream and indie films on DVD.
I only wish the format wars for high definition DVD hadn't occurred. HD-DVD seems to be cheaper than Blu-ray but who wants to commit to a format before there's a clear winner. Damn them for cutting their collective noses to spite their faces. The studios could be churning out their entire collections in HD by now if a common format had been agreed upon a few years back.