I'm more convinced than ever that blogging tools are the only way I can work on this on-going project of scribbling about my life. I didn't use blogger.com's labels until recently. The task of going back through nearly 1700 entries to categorize them seemed simply out of the question.
Yet, the promise of pulling together the randomness of over 200 weeks of continuous daily entries seemed far too great to ignore. I fiddled with adding some new labels to old entries and found a short cut method. Getting most of this junk organized is still going to take months, especially if I devote a few minutes to the task just now and again. The news is I've started.
New Hampshire
Saudi Arabia
the United Arab Emirates
So, seelct one of the pictures above to find a majority of entries dealing with this topic or time. They may have been written years apart but will show up on the same page. How's that for organzing after the fact?