Initially, children do not have any real concept of history. They cannot distinguish between yesterday and eons ago. Everything that isn't right now becomes compartmentalized as past. At this stage, last evening's dinner occupies the same cognitive niche as last summer's time at the beach.
Later, as kids learn about things that may have happened before their own birth, there's not much separation between those things that happened last year and those which occurred during the last millennium. Supposedly, we get a handle on these time things as adults. Yet, I'm not sure my mental timeline is fully developed.
I am including a scanned image from 1994. It's a bit difficult for me to place this correctly in my own history. Let's see, it was well before I came to live in Canada; however, it was well after Michael Jackson's Thriller album. It was after the first Gulf War, but before most people had experienced the Internet. I'm not quite sure how it relates to development of European power or the advent of agriculture.
I guess I still have growing up to do.