Day 024: This was the view from the balcony this morning. We continued our journey to the coast. We were on the road a bit before 8:00 am as suggested by our driver, Freddy. We filled up and this town didn't have active Internet meaning we paid last night for our hotel with cash and we bought 333,000.00 Ariary ($US 70) of diesel this morning.
We travelled just 270 km today and got to the seaside hotel at 12:30 pm. The Le Vezo Hotel will be our base for 2 nights. Today, we passed many different types of terrain. Some was green while parts were desert with nearly no water.
Eventually, we started to spot an occasional baobab tree. They are the symbol of Madagascar and we stopped to snap a few photos when passing a giant that was right next to the road. It was likely over 400 years old.
The beach was a welcomed change. We'd not seen one since being in this country. This is the West Coast so Africa lies beyond this stretch of water.
Usually, by the time we get to a beach resort, it's already too late. It's become trendy, expensive and would be impossible to open a business or afford good property. Here we find ourselves at exactly the moment when things will start taking off.
It's pleasant here. The road today was much smoother and we were able to make much better time. Tomorrow we will visit some National Park lands and hope to visit the Avenue of the Baobabs, the often seen representation of Madagascar.