Day 109 - We went to town today mostly to stop at the Keells Supermarket. Whereas going to the Sunday Public Market used to be a weekly event, we haven't been once during this visit. When the new public space became available a dozen years ago, I thought it was great. We could go to the huge area to buy vegetables, meats, fish, and other goods. Nowadays, it is easier simply to visit one of Minuwangoda's small supermarkets. It's faster, cleaner, and just as cheap.
We've started buying things that'll we will take back with us. Some items are much cheaper and other items simply aren't readily available in Canada. In ten days, we'll be flying on the same flight to Dubai with Jay's sisters. We were in Dubai a month before getting here in mid-December. We arranged for a two-bedroom apartment for ten nights in the same place as we had our studio apartment.
So, at the end of March, after being there for ten nights, we'll jet off for a six-night stopover in Turkey and then onward to Vancouver. Jay's sister's will return to Sri Lanka with a whole lot of shopping to carry home, I'm sure.