I started today by indicating to the Canadian government that we had, indeed, reached our location of quarantine. I also indicated that we still have no symptoms of COVID-19. We are awaiting the results from the tests given inside the Canadian border at yesterday's entry. We were given two unused kits that we have to prepare on our 10th day of isolation and have couriered to the lab via Purolator. In Canada, we'll be free to go out in public after 14 days.
The screen to the right shows another app as Bryan was preparing to pick out our groceries at a nearby Canadian Superstore. We had account troubles using the Walmart system which resulted in cancelled orders. Now, however, I am enamoured with instacart.ca. It is an extremely helpful tool that I'm sure we'll use occasionally well after we are 'free'. I sort of like having a personal shopper. In our postal code region, we have a number of stores for which we can use the app.
I put everything needed in my online cart. Most orders can be delivered within a few hours. Bryan did an excellent job for us and messaged within the app when the curry leaves weren't available. He also had to purchase alternative tomatoes and requested confirmation that it was okay. It was. Our fridge is fully stocked.
Bryan knocked at our door and left the bags. Were we not in isolation, I would have thrown open the door and shaken his hand!