Last night we witnessed a loss for our community. The far end of Westminster Pier Park on the Fraser River was involved in a blaze. That half of the park had volleyball courts, a sand section, umbrellas and hammocks, and our famous public art project of four shipping containers creating an enormous 'W'. It's too early to attribute a cause, except that reports indicated a brush fire earlier near the base of the SkyTrain Bridge. I'll post a few of my comments left on Facebook last night and made to friends today.
Half the park was on 100+ year old piers from the days of canneries. The newer, rebuilt section is okay as it is steel. The old creosote timbers will likely require dousing for days. I don't expect the old part will ever reopen as the fire developed under the pier. The photo was taken with my ordinary phone, so it was close. However, we were not concerned about it escaping its area. This morning, there is heavy smoke from this and the US wildfires. Can hardly see across the river ...
We walked out early-in at about nine to watch. They eventually closed the parkade. Our balcony view was fine but we can't see what happened to the W. It's going to take days to extinguish the fire burning 'neath the old creosote timbers from cannery days. I don't expect that part will ever reopen as is. The elevator and newer pedestrian bridge (which you've not seen) is fine as it's on newer steel pilings. Our windows are closed. Between the continuing smoke and wildfires we cannot see the other side of the river. There's the poisonous smell of burning creosote.
I put a FB picture last night. We went to watch but had a 'pretty good' view from the balcony. It's still being doused as the old part still had creosote timber from the cannery days. When the wind blows this way, it smells bad.