Day 45 - This is a photo from earlier in the week. Jay is standing with his sisters next to a dagaba at a Buddhist temple. A lot of the time since we arrived, we've been all together. Today, his elder sister went back to her house in Nugegoda alone.
We took the same 3-wheel into town. She headed for a bus and we went to Keell's Supermarket. We ended up buying a lot. The supermarket was as crowded as I'd ever seen. Of course, the main public market occurs in Minuwangoda on Sundays. That is why the traffic was very heavy. We went home and along the way, I brought my empty beer bottles back to the store. I perfer my beer in bottles. There's a deposit if one doesn't return empties when buying.
It seems as though the government raised the tax on alcohol products. My 625ml (21 fl oz) bottles of Lion Lager now cost SR200 each. They were recently SR180. For years this kind of beer was always equivalent to about a US $1 a bottle. At the present time, they've gone up to around US $1.11.
Our driver got us back to the Minuwangoda house in about 12 minutes even with the downtown traffic. It took Jay's elder sister a couple of hours more to get to her home.