Day 40 - I never counted the coconut trees on the property. Once in a while, they have some people come to harvest. His sisters keep what they'll need and let the remainder go to market.
There certainly have been plenty of things to fix at the house. Luckily, they know the right people to have stuff done. Today, we had a new water pump put in as the original one was probably from the 1990s. The pump gets the water from the well up to a large concrete container up by the back roof of the house. The water gravity feeds to the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and outside taps. Oh, and the knob on fan control in our bedroom fan broke. So, an electrician friend of Nazier replaced that as well.

I really am letting myself relax here. We are napping for more than an hour each afternoon and still manage 7 or 8 hours of sleep per night. In fact, my MiBand reports some of the best sleep I've ever recorded.