As soon as I saw the handwriting and images on the enclosed card, I knew it was from old friend, Bret. Notice my inclusion of 'old' which can mean 'for a long time' or 'advanced in age'. There was a smaller wrapped packet inside too.
I was quite surprised to find a brand-new, 38-year-old t-shirt. It is the perfect gift. It would barely fit around my right arm nowadays, but how cool to have a souvenir from my youth! Bret and I co-owned one of the most notorious boats floating (sometimes) on Lake Sunapee at the time. It was purely for recreational purposes and the original printed shirt proved we had quite a few 'passengers' to clothe and impress.

I cannot dispute that I moved into my sixth decade before Bret. However, that does not make him as young as his card seems to imply. I know this for a fact. In fact, I submit this photographic evidence captured just shy of a decade ago. This photo of him and his son was taken on August 23, 2009, during his surprise birthday party in Ballard, WA. He would be turning 50 years old. So, if my math is right ...