Not only does every word I write end up being published, but the whole mess is an enormous autobiographical monument to my broad and expanding narcissism. To know me is to love me. So I've always done my damndest to make sure the world has that opportunity.
Today was a perfect day in Minuwangoda. It marks the tenth week we have been on the island formerly called, Ceylon. First, the sky was deep blue with an occasional puffy cloud floating past. An entire washer load of clothes dried on the line in just a few hours. Let's see also, Jay and his sister baked a fruit cake. Six new plastic chairs arrived to replace the former ones which were rather worn out looking. Finally, the cat is now almost full grown and managed to kill another squirrel today. I hope this new-found feline blood lust doesn't eradicate the local population. I know the squirrels are just rodents but anything that cute deserves to live!
Now all about me: Jay removed the free metal ear stud I got when I pierced my ear three years ago. It had never been out. I replaced it with my new, ruby one this morning. I am making such a fuss over this particular purchase of a gem. I'm not sure why, other than I've never been one for bling, Jewellery has never seemed very practical. As it is a little bit shy of a one carat stone, it didn't even cost as much as an off-the-rack suit. I guess I just like the idea of constantly having a little bit of Sri Lanka attached to me wherever I am.