We left Nugegoda at exactly 8:30 after a hearty breakfast. It was raining a little. The bus to the Colombo Fort Railway Station took about an hour due to heavy morning traffic. We bought tickets in second-class and waited for the 10:30 departure. The train was coming from Vavuniya and it was about a half hour late in arriving. A 10-year old kid sitting near us did strike up a conversation to practice his English. We saw other tourists looking for sun as well.
We had a tuk-tuk take us to Beach Road once we got into town here a bit after three o'clock. We found the Wijetunge Sea View Inn. It cost 1650 rupees. We ate a very late lunch in the restaurant which is part of the hotel. We rested and cleaned up after that. It was nearly dark by the time we went out for walk. We're less than six degrees north of equator when in southern Sri Lanka, so each day is almost always the same length.
While out, we bought some chicken wraps and traditional Sri Lankan shorts eats at a Perara and Sons. That'll do for dinner here in the room as we ate late. We can eat under the covered balcony and look towards the far-away lighthouse on Dondra Head.