Today, we arrived before noon without reservations. We took a government bus that was supposed to terminate in Pottuville. Yet, as he had to carry he mail to Panama, he dropped us off in the hotel section of the bay. Mostly rooms and cabin are where tourists stay here. We went out to the beach, carrying our backpacks, to find a place from the beach side.
I'm looking at the water now as I type. We're maybe 70 meters from the closest wave. Sandy Beach Hotel is a brand new building with 4 rooms facing the beach. One is next to us and there's a second storey. If you look very closely in the photo you will see me staying in the doorway of the room on the left.
We found the beach restaurants a little pricy. So, we negotiated with a tuk-tuk driver to take us into Pottuvil where we picked up hoppers to go and did a little shopping at a Cargills Food City.
It will be easy to go to sleep with the sound of the surf.