The photograph in today's blog entry has been used in
my eJournal and images before. In fact, it has appeared twice in this space. The first time I included it was on November 1, 2005 when I first uploaded it to Flickr. I was lamenting the fact that although I was taking a lot of pictures in the digital age, I might benefit from moving away from landscapes and include more ordinary people. The second time it popped up in an entry was on April 6, 2008. Remarkably in that posting, I included a message received as an email. That entry explained that twenty three years after the photo was taken, out of the blue, their cousin wrote to say he'd seen the picture online. I thought that merited a mention. Most recently, I got this reference to the image last night:
I am in the education field and have to do an autobiography of cultural experiences growing up. Back in the late 70's I was an elementary school student in Taif. I wanted to share the experience of climbing on the wall and watching boys play soccer. As I searched for a picture that would illustrate this, I found your picture from Taif '85 and am asking permission to use it only in my school powerpoint. It is a wonderful picture that brings back pleasant childhood memories.
The boys were photographed when I was working for the
Taif Army Ordnance Corps Center & School from 1985 to 1987. I so wish I had had a good camera during the early years of my career. I missed capturing so many unique situations and so much fascinating history. Sigh.