I love trying to make stuff work. I guess that is one reason why I've always been interested in the type of computers which aren't marketed at being magical. I think I'd rather get in there up to my elbows and tweek until things work as I want. It's always the ultimate sense of accomplishment making a machine do something one has willed.
The great thing about the Internet is that it is constantly imposing new possibilities on one. For example, I discovered paper.li which mashes up Twitter content to create a summary news page. What a brilliant idea! Over the past year, I have totally come to appreciate Twitter. In fact I get a lot more pleasure from it nowadays than I often find on Facebook. Not as a slight to those I've befriended, but with Facebook one constantly reads the same tired, old information from the same tired old folks. The Twitter-verse is infinitely bigger.
{Editor's Note: In 2013, I deleted the paper referenced here]
In recent years, the whole concept of "news" is is being stood on its head. The term "citizen journalism" has been bantered about for a decade but there are few practical examples. Most people still run to a trusted news source for web information. Yet, if one makes use of the immediacy of millions of individual tweets about what is important, then the editorial choices can be made by anyone and everyone. I like the idea of the mash-up of Twitter and paper.li as it makes for an instant view of what people are talking about.
There are only several main, English-language sources of news which operate in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Yet, of course, there is constant buzz in and about any city that size. I worked today on making the Puerto Vallarta Post more efficient. I went trolling for accounts which are either based in PV or have things to say about it. Then, I set up to the options on paper.li to include a wide breadth of Twitter comments. It is refreshed twice a day, so if you mention Puerto Vallarta in a tweet, it just may show up tomorrow on that page too.
I just wanted to explore how this combination would work. I am thousands of miles away from the city about which