We headed south down the Sri Lankan west coast. The last time I went in the direction down the Galle Road must’ve been in the late 1980’s. I’ll mention some of my impressions in a later entry.
We stopped at the roadside Kalutara Buddhist temple. It spans both sides of the highway on the edge of a large river. It’s famous for the ancient bo tree. I especially like the system where visitors can pour water into side funnels in the protecting walls and it eventually runs to nourish it. There is a very impressing dagaba that is constructed as hollow. On the second floor there are windows looking out 360 degrees. The center had the temple area. One could look up probably four of five stories to the top.
Also, after a ‘buffet lunch’, we stopped at Matara Verahena. The five storey Buddha image may be surpassed. In fact we saw the future successor earlier in the day. Most importantly to me, it was hard to believe I’d been in this exact stop in the late 80’s. I’m so much older as well as wiser now!
We pulled into Tangalle just before dark. This, incidentally, is around 6:30 here. It’s around 6:30 year round which is a bit different than for those who reside at a larger longitude. Jay is the expert planner and had a few names of places to stay that he’d scrounged from travel books. We ended up on the right road and quickly found one not listed --- Wavy Sea Hotel and Restaurant. It was perfect. Although they had no family rooms, we stayed in three separate ones. Lal insisted on buying me three beers which will ensure that I sleep well tonight. Fears of a reoccurring tsunami will be far away.