In the interim, we had a lot of food and cake. It has been rainy off and on today in a tropical sort of way. Lal returned today from looking out for the house and seeing that the cats are okay.
In the kitchen all sorts of food was put together. There was a huge buriani and one could tell it was a special occasion as it was made with fancy, basmati rice. There was enough chicken to have come from an entire flock. Cooking here looks like so much of an art. At home, for many, it’s been reduced to opening this package or can, or microwaving something frozen.
In the traditional Sri Lankan way, the guy first sat and shared a bottle. Today it was one of the Red Labels we’d got in duty free after going through passport control. We had sufficient “eats” to go with it. I was particularly pleased with the mini-sausages even though they were chicken rather than pork. Damn the world for trying to make me healthier. The weird thing is the separation of the sexes during drinking which is considered a “man thing” although I saw video proof that the gals in the kitchen also passed about a bottle of beer. Still, no matter how many times I’ve visited, I still can’t get used to the idea that the meal can’t start until the guys drinking ends. Who I am to fight culture? Well, I should add that Jay never drinks at all!
I’m full and can’t quite imagine eating more today. It’s dinner time which usually comes quite late. I suppose that’s a reason that breakfast don’t arrive right after getting up. Actually, tomorrow we won’t dally. We’ve again got a van coming. Taking trips here take quite a while but there seems to be strong precedence and preference for taking them, especially to religious or cultural sites. We’re going to Yapahuwa tomorrow.