I frequently look at a site that provides me with visitor statistics. I see how many people come here because of typing baby monkey, or the Jetsons in Google's image search. It is interesting to see the IP lookup and realize that guests are as likely to be from Australia as Vancouver. It is a bit of a disappointment to realize that friends seldom even make it here.
This begs an important question. One of the most important points of my courses, is to differentiate technical writing from other types. An underlying factor is the realization that our writing is for a specific audience. It is designed to help a particular person or set of people with a specific solution. Although I'm approaching the third anniversary my eJournal and images, I have yet to figure out who I'm writing this for.
Here's a copy of a document that I put on my online course page. I believe it was written by a colleague, Autumn Winter. Its inclusion may prompt a future visitor to arrive here via a search engine. If so, let me extend my greetings!
What is Comm 0004?
It is a course to help you learn English, which means learning listening, reading, speaking, and writing. When you write, you write using a business/technical style.
How do you pass Comm 0004?
You pass Comm 0004 by demonstrating competence in English at a level that is equivalent to Grade 11 English. The results may be very different than with other courses you have taken. In other courses, you may have worked hard, studied hard, and then passed the course, maybe with a high grade. You may not pass Comm 0004. This does not mean that you have not studied hard enough or that you not a good learner. It just means that you are not at the required level of English competence. In fact, you may be the best English learner in the class and not pass. You may just be starting off at a lower level than everyone else.
What is the ideal classroom environment?
It is an environment in which all the students try to take charge of their own learning. It is an environment of English language immersion rather than an environment of English language abstraction.
How do you write well in Comm 0004?
If you want to write and speak well, you must have acquired enough English language experience first. Writing well in Comm 0004 is not about:
Using words that you have just looked up in a dictionary that
translates from you first language
Writing essays
Using linking words, set phrases, or writing formulas in your writing, without having enough experience to know if you are using them appropriately
Using fancy language.
Writing well in Comm 0004 is about:
Knowing your purpose and your audience
Writing in a business/technical style
Controlling the correctness and accuracy of your writing
Writing clearly.
What about Grammar?
Learning to speak and write correctly is very different than having an abstract understanding of grammar rules.
Some of you probably know too much grammar. By this, I mean you may have a lot of abstract understanding of grammar rules, but you may not be able to express yourself in English while conforming to the grammar rules. You may be spending too much time in a world of English language abstraction when you should be spending more time in a world of English language immersion.
Some of you may need to improve your understanding of certain grammar rules. It is your responsibility to figure out what you have to learn and to learn from your mistakes. You may need to purchase a grammar book.
What grammar instruction will you receive?
At the Comm 0004 level, you should already have good sentence structure skills. You will receive limited formal instruction and some handouts related to sentence structure. You will receive ongoing feedback on the correctness/accuracy of your speaking and writing. This will be provided within the context of language tasks.
What writing tasks will you have?
You will have writing tasks of varying lengths, and you will do all of your writing in a business/technical style.
Sometimes, you will be given a general topic and you will have to supply most of the details yourself. You may work together in a group to come up with this detail.
Sometimes, you will be given most of the detail and you will have to come up with the appropriate language to explain this detail in complete and correct sentences and paragraphs.
Sometimes, this detail will be provided in the form of a graphical organizer, a business graphic, or an article. You may have to analyze the text or visuals before you write.